Advices & Ideas

5 Ideas How to Bring Spring in Your Home

The temperature goes up, and it is time to say goodbye to the cold winter, and to your winter home design. Your home needs some spring decorations. We recommend you some ideas, easy and...

Some Lovely Knitted Ideas

Autumn is already here... we want to share some models...with interesting designs in various colors and with beautiful applications... maybe we will motivate you to knit some interesting sweater... Enjoy… All models are made by Andra...

Natural Home Decorations Ideas

In this post we want to share with you some interesting ideas for home decorations. We chose them for many reasons: - Will bring freshness in your home. - You can do it yourself, you just...

Amazing Knitted Ideas

Looking these amazing clock ... they can be amazing decorations for your home... Stay with us, we have more interesting decorations to show... …we know that holidays are over, but we really like these holiday decorative...

Bohemian Autumn…

Autumn is here… Are you prepared for colder and rainy days? Are they make you to feel little dark and depressive? Don’t let to be in bad mood. Be creative… Do something… Our suggestion for...

Decoupage in 5 Steps

Decoupage or Dècoupage (from the French word découper )  is the art of decorating an object by gluing colored paper cut outs, in combination with special paint effects, with  other decorative elements. Then you...

Strawberries For Healthy Skin

Strawberries are considered as a sweet healthy fruit, but also they can be used for a beauty care of your skin. That’s the reason why they are often used in beauty products of leading...

Depression Can Change Your Life and Personality

Whether depression is a disease of modern times? We cannot answer this, but it certainly seems so, or we talk more and often about it. Depression as disease is wide spread, and it is supposed...

Be Better… it is Free…

We are always trying to be better. It is our need. Unfortunately, there is not magic. The truth is that we must work very hard, and a every day… and became better in everything...

Alone Beside Him

Are you feeling alone in your relationship? Are you living with feeling that your relationship has not enough love, respect, attention, or ability to express heartfelt thoughts and feelings? Are you feeling that your life turned...