Fashion With Passion

Be Shiny, Be Elegant, Be You

This post is fashion post and we choose to show you some of the trends for fall 2016… Don’t forget, it is not important always the trend, the more important is to feel comfortable and...

Go-Go Boots

Do you love boots? I do… Lot of women do… Today we want to present you, some special boots… go-go boots… We all know that sixties and seventies are known as decades of experimentation in every part of...

Amazing Beaded World of Irina Chikineva

We love art, and we support all artists… We are thrilled by the creativity, unique design and patience… love they put in creating their artwork, and all of the beauty that they give to...

Trendy Ankle Boots

The autumn is almost here, and we have to be prepaid for colder and windier days. So, for today this is our choice of ankle boots from famous designers, which were presented on Fashion Weeks...

7 Amazing Necklaces Inspired by Autumn

For today we want to share with you some amazing pieces of artwork, beaded necklaces by Betty Stephan. The choice was difficult, because all necklaces are original and unique, so we decide to share with...

Do You Like Boho Accessories?

Do you like boho accessories? I really do. If you like them this is article for you... It means rings, lots of various rings... Don't be afraid, you'll never be wrong, be free to mix and...

Bohemian Rings

Rings always try to find their true owner… Today we will talk about rings, about bohemian rings. I love rings, and lot of girls, woman do, they are great gift and symbol of love and...

Feel Comfortable, Feel Free…

We will talk about one women passion, about shoes again…but this time in bohemian style… Bohemians prefer boots, but, it is summer time… so we will show you some models of bohemian sandals, flats, platforms...

Floral Heels

Women love heels. Women love flowers. But what about floral heels? We will show some models that captured our attention. Some of them are real art… Enjoy yourself… First we will show you some models with black...

Short Story for Red Heels

Do you like shoes? I do. I really do, especially the heels and all the shoes with strange forms. This is a story of reed heels. Red High Heels are accepted as the symbol of...