Depression is unfortunately a condition late recognized and we deny the symptoms, thinking they are the result of our fatigue, too many responsibilities, or the inability to achieve set goals. But if the situation lasts longer, you need to face it and find the strength to counter it.
I. If you recognize in your situation at least some symptoms of depression, or you already have diagnosis, try to use some of our advices, which we derive from foreign experience to help you to get out from the situation where you are.
1. Explore and be informed
The information’s will help you realize that you are not alone, unique, and that depression can be overcome and win. There are many effective ways to deal with this disease, and the more you know, the better chance you have for a faster recovery.

2. Don’t blame yourself
You’re not responsible for the occurrence of depression, as already we said, because it is a result of various events and relationships that don’t depend on you. Of course, you are able to do something different, but instead to look past mistakes, head toward dealing with the present for a better future. Blaming yourself will only worsen the symptoms.

3. Don’t make important decisions
When you are depressed, you don’t thinking clearly , and you may not be able to make good and right decisions that have a major impact on your future life. Do not rush, try to delay, for better times, not to regret later.

4. Have smaller goals in life
Don’t strain yourself with big goals and important tasks. When you are depressed, you feel a lack of energy, no will to carry out the obligations and therefore will not be able to complete more tasks and make more goals. Achieving small goals and small achievements will motivate you to think positive and move forward.

II. In the previous post we talked about physical symptoms, and it is very important to feel physically stronger, and to stay healthy because depression impairs the body completely. Depression means indifference to the world around, and for yourself, but you have find strength and step by step, try to get back, and most important, don’t give up.
5. Do not consume drugs or alcohol
Alcohol and drugs can give a pleasant feeling of security you can make a false impression that the problems and the pain was gone, but when you pass their action, the situation will get even worse. And even if it is not worse, will certainly slow your recovery, and reduce the effect of drugs against depression. By eliminating these vices from your life you will increase your chances of healing faster, to make better quality of life and you will prolong it.

6. Try to eat healthy
Recent research in this area shows that unhealthy diet is closely associated with the occurrence of depression in women and its impact on recovery. A balanced diet is especially important not only in fighting depression, but for full health. It is important to eat healthy and enjoy the foods you consume. So start today, serve to you plate with healthy food, enjoy the colors in every bite, and believe that you are investing in yourself, your health and your future.

7. Physical exercise.
Physical activity will help you get rid of negative energy, you feel better and more satisfied with yourself. For start leave your strong ambitions for further on, don’t strain your body with heavy exercises, so you will not get disappointed by the failure. Choose an activity that brings you pleasure and try to exercise with someone who is close friend or smaller group of friends. For the beginning you just can take some walks.

8. Sleep enough
As already mentioned, one of the symptoms of depression is insomnia or hypersomnia. To avoid these sleeping problems, it is important to create healthy sleeping habits. Try to go to bed earlier, and to create conditions that will help you sleep easier. Take a shower, devote a little attention to yourself, read something, listen to beautiful soft music, and try to calm down your body and spirit. Let decisions and plans for the next morning.

III. To succeed more easily and faster, it is important not to close yourself in and ask for help from your family.
9. Do not isolate yourself
Depression often brings a sense of shame and isolation for many not to be ridiculed by others. The isolation can worsen the situation. Therefore, try to explain the situation that you are in to the family and closest friends. Talk openly.

If you feel that this is very difficult, and you cannot vote with the situation you are in, and despite the support of loved ones, do not be shy and do not be afraid to seek medical help.
10. Seek medical assistance
No need to feel shame about depression, and even when you first notice symptoms, seek professional advice. And believe me, depression can be overcome, and you are and you have to be strong enough.

That it is our choice of suggestions and advice that you can apply to help yourself and get out of the situation where you are. All others may try, or to help you, but you are the most important link. In us lies the solution to your problems, and you should try to solve them, or to delay, and to learn to live with it, all your fears, sorrows, unfulfilled desires, and to look ahead positively.

It is not easy. But depression is a serious illness that should be treated, and the success of treatment depends on your willingness. If you wait to go away by itself, you can only worsened the situation, and thus to endanger your life and the lives of your loved ones.
So tighten your teeth and do the first step today. And don’t give up. From the bottom you can fall, so you must get up and walk … you owe it to yourself!!!