Women as Inspiration of Artist, Tomek Setowski


“Journeys into the land of fantasy are a search of treasures which I would like to share.” – Tomek Setowski

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Our choice for today, is Tomek Setowski polis artist, known as one of the most prominent representatives of the style called “magical realism”. He is inspired by Fairytale characters, underwater worlds, sky cities, and the part that make us fascinated and we want to share with you, paintings inspired from beauty of the women.

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In 1995 his paintings were part of road show exhibition “Polish Surrealists” which presented the best artists of surrealism trend. There are not many representatives of this trend in the world, with masterly technique and immense imagination.

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Setowski is acclaimed as one of the most original and gifted painters, who create his unique and recognizable style. His art aroused interest of the best Polish galleries, and as foreign and very successful exhibitions in France, Germany and Switzerland.

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You can see more of his paintings on this link.