Recycled and Button Art from Jane Perkins

Jane Perkins finds her inspiration in found objects. She uses materials as pieces of broken toys, shells, buttons, beads, jewelry etc. She takes inspiration from Ecuadorian artists techniques, and she creates colorful masterpieces that are exhibited all around the world.

So, we want to show you some of her amazing artworks, and please look carefully and closely…

sixtin chaple button art
The Angle from Sistine Chapel

Her works are inspired by impressionist artist and she remakes their paints, making her own masterpieces….

Cindy’s Sunflowers, inspired by Van Gogh button art
Sunflowers by Van Gogh
mone button art
Poppies at Argenteuil by Monet
The Bridge of Lily Pond - Monet
The Bridge of Lily Pond by Monet
Water Lilies - Monet
Water Lilies by Monet

She is making remarkable portraits for recycled materials, inspired by famous people and famous paint portraits…

Nelson Mandela buttona art
Nelson Mandela
Albert Einstein button art
Albert Einstein
Queen Elizabet the II button art
Queen Elizabeth II
Marilyn Monroe button art
Marilyn Monroe
Afghan Girl button art
Afghan girl by Steve McCurry
Girl with a Pearl Earring button art
Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer

Her Mona Lisa, features sea shells, plastic beads, buttons and toys is being sold at an art gallery in New York, because it is amazing piece of art.

Mona Lisa button art
Mona Lisa

She said, ”The only materials I buy especially are the eye beads as they look very real and help capture emotion in the picture.”

She doesn’t have to scour second-hand shops and recycling centers anymore, because when people in her neighborhood heard about her art and began leaving bags of unrecycled garbage, on her doorstep.