Make Your New Bag, Have Fun


Many of us love bags because they a practical, and necessary, and they help us make different combinations and make our look complete…   We can dress up in some combination, but with different bag, and shoes of course, we can make many combinations, elegant, sport, personal…

We can make or remake our accessories, and have fun… We will have new, different and original…

So, don’t throw away too soon your old bags, because you can remake them… You just have to have a will, little time, imagination and materials which most of them we already have somewhere in our home. You can knit, sew and make a combination of materials and colors. In this way you can cover damages on your old bag’s and make them new again.





You can used your old buttons, and make an interesting combinations of colors forms and sizes.




7bag with buttons


Or if you are skilled, you can completely border with beads, you will need more time and patients, but you will get real jewelry.


bags beds 1



And of course you can make them, you can use various materials, we always have old jeans ad home… Make your new bag from your old jeans.

jeans 1



Denim-Purse-Denim-Bag handmade blue jeans

And if you know and love to knitting, you can knit your bag.

knited flowers

knited 1

knitted-handbag 2

knited bag 3

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knited bag 6

You can wear them everywhere, on the beach, when you walking around, for work, even for night out… and you can be prepared for the colder days.

We hope that we gave you some ideas which will inspire you. So, have fun, have anew bag, and enjoy in life.