The Colorful Magical World of Judy Pfaff

Most artwork comes out of someplace you can just tap into, and make that so obvious. And then other people can look at it and say, “I know that place too, that craving.” (Judy Pfaff)

Judy Pfaff, born 1946 in England, is a pioneer of installation art. She synthesizes sculpture, painting, and architecture into dynamic environments, between the two and three dimensional. Her installations weave landscape, architecture, and color into a tense whole, splashing trough the walls and the air, achieving lightness and bring explosive energy. Pfaff’s work is a complex, composed of steel, fiberglass, salvaged signage and natural elements, as tree roots. Her dramatic sculptural materials are developed into set designs for some theatrical productions.

Pfaff has received many awards for her work : BFA from Washington University, Saint Louis (1971), and an MFA from Yale University (1973), Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo (1982),fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (1983), Bessie (1984), the National Endowment for the Arts (1986), St. Louis Art Museum (1989), Denver Art Museum (1994), she represented the United States in the 1998 Bienal de São Paulo; she had major exhibitions at Elvehjem Museum of Art, University of Wisconsin, Madison (2002) and received John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Award (2004).

Pfaff lives and works in Kingston and Tivoli, New York.

Her work is amazing and fascinating visual experience so we choice, searching through some of her sculpture installations Enjoy to the colorful magical world of Judy Pfaff.

“Supermercado.” 1986 (steel works, wood, formica)

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Comma, comma, 1987, (painted metal, wood, plastics, formica)

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1-1/2 Baths: Expos. Brk., 1988 (painted wood and steel)

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Es Possible, 1989 (painted wiggle board and steel)

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La calle la calle vieja, 1990 (painted wiggle board and steel, found objects, signage)

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Compulsory figures I, 1991(painted steel, woven wire, aluminum duct)

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Jingdezhen, 1992 (Blown glass, steel, tin, glass, wire)

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Nothing but blue skies, 2010 (artificial flowers, paper and wood)

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Said the spider to the fly, 2010 (paper, wood, wire & rod, artificial flowers)

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Enter the dragon, 2011(steel wires, plastics and papers, shellacked Chinese paper lanterns)

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The path to the center was clearly marked, 2012 (honeycomb cardboard, expanded foam, steel wires, plastics, and fluorescent light)

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…and to the peacock, beauty, 2012 (honeycomb cardboard, expanded foam, shellacked Chinese paper lanterns, steel wires, plastics, and fluorescent light)

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Holi #1 (melted plastic, expanded foam, paper, and pigment)
