We All Have to Grow, to Change Ourselves…


We all have to grow, to evolve, mentally and spiritually. Sometimes we need to slow, to stop, to rest, but we have to go on again, because reinvention is our need. We all need to live a better life, to prove yourself to yourself or to others that we can no matter what change and challenge us… million problems, like health, education and work, marriage and divorce, lot of and various separations and disappointments from the people we love and trust.

Lot of times in a lifetime, we have to grow. From early childhood, through teenagers years, till adult and middle age period, till the latter years, backside of our lives. Al life we have to learn, to change, and to grow, to searching for our identity, to form our character, to taking life more seriously, with new responsibility, and it can make us scary and unsure. Don’t forget, it is all human and it happens to everybody, and it is nothing wrong if we are slower sometimes, or we feel tired. Just we have to trust ourselves, in our inner self, and never stop to try, to chance to grow.

What we have to do if we fall down? We have to stand up and try again… We have to do so much…OK. Nobody said it will be easy… So we have some ideas that can help…

1.Try to imagine new you, you that you want to be… and no matter how the others will react on new you, don’t give up… Some of them will support you, some of them don’t… So what?

imagine new you

2.Be patient because nothing will happened over night … So don’t rush, and don’t make a big drastic changes… Start with small one, and be positive and disciplined. And the most import things, be positive and believe in you, because sometime it will take more time than you than you think it will.

Be patient

3.Change your image of yourself by changing the things it makes it… as your clothes, hear, make up… Change your all style, but as we said before, don’t rush…. And don’t forget, you have to clean… So it is time to say goodbye to lot of things that you need you have to have them… In the beginning it will be difficult but … it will be easier as time pass by.

Young woman choose clothes in wardrobe at home; Shutterstock ID 189597512; PO: TODAY.com
Young woman choose clothes in wardrobe at home; Shutterstock ID 189597512; PO: TODAY.com

4.Refresh your strength. It means sleep better or more, eat healthier, walk often, have more fun, and find some new interest’s or hobbies, that you haven’t try before… You can surprise yourself how good you can be… All this, will refresh your strength, or you will find new strength that you haven’t realized that you have.

have more fun

5.Find your goal, and stay focused…make a plan and try to follow it… Don’t be disappointed if you are not always successful… Just keep trying… One day, your purpose will be fulfilled, and time will come for new and bigger one…

And for the end, it is always easier and funnier to the things with some who love you, respect you and trust in you… So immunize yourself from your detractors, keep faraway from peoples who don’t approve your decisions and wishes, and make your inner circle from people who understand and support you… And just continue…

just continue