Yuliya Galuschak, Awesome Jewelry Artist


Our choice for today is amazing handmade jewelry with floral summer designs. Yuliya Galuschak is a young, very beautiful, and amazing polymer jewelry artist from Ukraine. Her work fascinated me, so I decided to share with you. I hope that she will inspire you, and maybe you’ll made some jewelry piece for you… Till than enjoy in the beauty…

awesome jewelry 1In the next picture we will show you one of the most famous piece of her work, necklace (shown named “Vitamin“ which won several awards in the international contests. Her creativity he way she uses materials to make this adorable piece of art, is amazing and so inspirational…

vitamin necklace

As you can already see, she crafts beautiful pieces of jewelry using beads and clay, seeds, stones, wire and beads to make unique necklaces, bracelets, earrings and hair pins. We have selected some of her designs for you, and of course you can find more in her personal website.

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Different materials with various shapes and sizes, give unique charm to her jewelry, which is outstanding, so popular for the summer, and inspirational… We hope that we touch your sense of beauty, and that you really enjoy as we do…

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awesome jewelry earrings