Shells Home Decorations


Summer is already here and our home need to GET new summer look. There so many ways to bring summer mood, with bright colors of sun and sea and various summer smells … But for today, we choose some DIY projects with shells… All you need is little time, patient and shells that you bring from your last holiday…

1.What a your saying for decorated your old pots with shells? You can use them in your garden or in your home… with or without flowers they will get new fresh and amazing look…

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2.Make a coastal seashell wreath and decorate your doors and walls…

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3.Make waves with centerpiece arrangement set in a seashell, and convert your casual table into special one…

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4.Light up with shell candles, decorations that are fit for relaxed summer entertainment and a bit of romantic atmosphere…

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5.You can use your imagination and make different decorations from Shells, with mirrors, plates, frames, lights,…and give them new summer seashell look, and enjoy…

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